Kansas City photography mentor, mentorship for photographers, midwest, photography education, black and white portrait, small business

Made for the creative.

I’ve always dreamed of teaching in small spaces. My goal is to preserve the artist in us all by focusing through empowerment and emotion. We’ll dig deep inside ourselves with realness and action. We’ll learn alongside and about one another, hit breakthroughs, get excited about our art. We’ll get serious about it too. We’ll find easy answers to hard questions. Make mistakes and laugh at them. We’ll allow change to hold us. You’ll learn how to take this to the next step in your photography business, with all the tools to put it into action the very next day.

Allow me to be your guide.


From me…







Of you…







Beginner’s Mentorship


Includes a 2 hour video call or in person meeting, guided questionnaires and worksheets, and a virtual Q&A session.
Complete with finding a workflow and programs that benefit future business practices.

We’ll go over some of the following:

Portfolio reviews
Website and branding critiques
Attracting ideal clients
Defining value
Navigating imposter syndrome
LR workflow and post-processing
Balancing a freelance lifestyle
Finding and fostering community

Creative Mentorship


Includes a 30 minute branding meeting, a 2 hour custom photoshoot (with models, couples, or a family), a live Q&A, and complimentary creative branding photos.

We’ll go over some of the following:

How to create spaces to make the best art
Stepping out of the box and how to encourage others to do the same
Finding light
Client interactions
Troubleshooting during sessions
Camera tips

A Little Bit of Everything


Includes a 2 hour video call or in person meeting, guided questionnaires and worksheets, a 2 hour custom photoshoot (with models, couples, or a family), a live Q&A, and complimentary creative branding photos.
Complete with finding a workflow and programs that benefit future business practices.

We’ll go over some of the following:

Portfolio reviews
Website and branding critiques
Attracting ideal clients
Defining value
Navigating imposter syndrome
LR workflow and post-processing
Balancing a freelance lifestyle
Finding and fostering community
How to create spaces to make the best art
Stepping out of the box and how to encourage others to do the same
Finding light
Client interactions
Troubleshooting during sessions
Camera tips

Now I want to hear from you!

You deserve this

I respond to inquiries Mon-Fri 9-5 

Please allow 24-72 hours for a response!